2009 has brought us some fabulous horticultural delights and Gardener’s World Live was one of them.
Described as “the peoples show” Gardner’s World Live had something for everyone and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
It also made an impressive dent in my bank account. I bought several varieties of hardy orchid, a gorgeous Verbascum and a rather fantastic fish tank.

I particularly enjoyed the RHS floral marquee, with it’s abundance of nurseries and fabulous plants, I could have spent an absolute fortune but luckily I was focused on finding certain plants from my “wanted” list. The general quality of what was on offer was fantastic and there were some real bargains to be had.
Left is a side on picture of my favourite garden ’An Urban Retreat’ by Paul Titcombe, side on due to the suffocating and engulfing crowds present. Although it was by no means ground breaking it definitely did the trick. Great plant combinations, excellent use of hard landscaping and a great use of space. I can imagine how it would fit in to any urban garden, including my own. Well deserving of a Gold medal.

All of the shows presenter’s were there, Toby, Carol, Alys and Joe. I didn’t dare chat to any of them in case they asked me for my opinion’s, in which case my inherent honesty would likely cause unintentional insult. I’m still giving the TV show time to settle in and allowing myself to acclimatise to the new format. I think I’m slowly getting in to it, although change is by far a quick process.
On reflection I’m really happy I attended the show. I was hoping to say hello to fellow blogger and all round good bloke James ‘The Hat’ Alexander-Sinclair, who convinced me to attend but unfortunately he was rushed off his feet. Maybe next year!
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