It is easily identified as it is usually found flying at your head, swimming in your drink or in this case sunning itself on your gardening gloves.

In all seriousness shield bugs are often seen as garden pests but the truth of the matter is that they very rarely cause any damage in the garden. They are more of an irritant to the gardener than to the plants. Yes, they suck sap but never to the extent where plants suffer.
It’s cousin the Southern green shield bug is a different matter. Although similar looking it’s larger and lacks the brown patch on the back. It’s also quite damaging to plants.

They are however great dog entertainment. My Border Terrier Maggie is fascinated with them. Apparently when startled shield bugs give of a scent similar to Almonds. I’m yet to experience this, admittedly I don’t go around sniffing shieldbugs, but maybe Maggie is a closet bug sniffer? Lets face it it’s likely to be more appealing than sniffing other things.
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