I planted a bunch of seeds over the past few days. I’m imagining a full garden soon.
Summer lettuce: red Cherokee and green Cherokee and escarole. Lots of beans. Bush beans: Provider and royal burgundy. Soybeans: Envy and Butter Beans. Pole beans: Fortex and Chinese long beans. Fall crops: Tuscan and blue curled scotch kale, collards, marathon and blue wind broccoli, and Chiogga and Lutz beets. And some flowers: bachelor buttons and nasturtiums. Plus, I put in more peas, Sugar Sprint and Wando, just to see what happens.
“Blue Kale” is short for blue-curled scotch kale, a new (for me) old variety from Sand Hill that I’m trying this year.
I figure since we’ve had such cool weather so far and who knows what’s next, I just put in all kinds of crops. I was interested to read that Tiny Farm is still planting lots of spinach with the cool weather.
Last year I started my fall crops (peas, beets, lettuce, broccoli and Chinese greens) too late. Here’s a post. I planted July 18 and August 3. I’m only a week earlier this year. I’ll try to tend them better this year.
I planted things pretty close together and will transplant most out to my plot after the seedlings come up. Maybe my lettuce, fava beans and some potatoes will be harvested by then.
I changed my sidebar countdown to count down until my first frost. Arghh. I was thinking this is coming soon. My internal seasonal clock seems to feel its September already, because of the cool weather. But am happy to realize its MANY days … months!… away still.
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