September is a month of change. Summer is ending and Autumn (Fall) is most definitely on the way.
The pictures in todays Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day illustrate the good, the bad, and the ugly (not necessarily in that order) that September brings.

I wrote recently about Red Admiral Butterflies. And I have to say that since that post this plant has seen no end of activity from Vanessa atlanta. I think maybe they were late to arrive this year?
Also, I must add that this has to be one of the easiest plants to propagate. When moving plants I often find that branches snap off quite readily. As a result I have successfully propagated the plant in several positions simply by; and I apologise for the lack of finesse in advance, sticking the broken stems in the ground.
The once beautiful Scabiosa columbaria subsp. ochroleuca is now showing signs of decline. Again this is a fantastic plant for nectar loving insects. The plant has flowered all Summer long and is trying it’s hardest to cling on for dear life.
This plant has trebled in size since last year and I cannot wait to divide it up and dot it around the garden. A brilliant filler with masses of beautiful off-white/light lemon flowers.
It is fantastically photographic.
Linaria purpurea, often classed as a weed, is in fact a garden worthy plant in my opinion. Another plant that is clinging on for dear life, but needs to accept it’s demise, throws up flower spikes of deep purple that add a vertical element in design.
Equally at home in the wildlife garden, informal cottage garden, or as a formal garden interloper, I love this little plant and I think every garden should have one.
It will self seed readily. But what gardener doesn’t secretly like weeding anyway?
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’, technically not a plant of mine but lives in my neighbours garden, however, I am stealing it for this post.
A late flowering variety, it should continue up until the first frosts of Winter, however, flowers are already becoming less numerous. This was one of the last flowers on the plant.
A scented and beautiful climber, every garden should have at least one ‘Honeyscukle’.
Passiflora caerulea, or common Passion flower, is hardy here in my garden. In fact it is rampant and requires severe pruning each year.
Flowers are produced consistently through Summer and it shows no sign of stopping just yet. This plant also produces edible fruit which ripen given a good year.
It makes an interesting focal point in the garden and adds a touch of the exotic.
Anemone x hybrida ‘Whirlwind’ is an Autumn loving plant. It has only come in to flower within the last month or so and is much welcomed in the garden as most plants are now in decline.
A spreading woodland plant, it is late to rise in the Spring, but in Autumn it produces beautiful upright, slightly arching stems tipped with these gorgeous semi-double flowers.
I recently used the flowers of this plant in an indoor display and although not long lasting they looked great teamed with store bought blooms and other garden flowers.
Campanula portenschlagiana is pretty much a free spirit in my garden. It self seeds regularly in cracks in my wall and compliments the Asplenium trichomanes L. perfectly.
Although it is a weed, it is a welcome addition. It is a plant that will provide colour pretty much all year round here. It also acts as perfect Tortoise food for Trevor.
There are many varieties of Campanula and one suited to most situations, so if you like what you see give it a try.
Finally, Achillea millefolium has just started to flower.
If you don’t have this plant, or one of it’s relatives in the garden I would strongly recommend you introduce it.
Commonly known as ‘Yarrow’ this plant attracts many beneficial insects in to the garden, in particular the Hoverfly. The reason I suggest you grow this plant is because the Hoverflies lay their eggs onto these plants and the voracious larva eat hoards of aphids!
A great attractant for the aphid clean up squad.
I hope you have enjoyed the few plants that are left flowering in my garden this September.
I would love to hear your comments and cannot wait to trawl through all the bloggers participating in this event!
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