Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today Post::Pause for a Meme

We interrupt usual service to discuss the most important component of this blog.  

Yes, that’s right, ignore the vegetation for a while, and let’s talk about Me!

Lynn from Indigo Gardens has tagged me in one of the nicest Meme’s yet.  I’m extremely flattered by Lynn’s kind words and nomination as her favourite ‘Creative’ blogger. You can read the full article here.  Lynn is an extremely talented designer, writer and editor, not  to mention award winning photographer!, and I would urge you to check out her fantastic website.

As Meme’s go I am now summoned to tell you seven things about me, that are hopefully interesting; although if I can think of seven it will be a miracle.  I have chosen to add the seven deadly sins to this, all in a slightly ‘tongue in cheek’ style of course.  Following this I  have to nominate seven fellow bloggers for whom the Meme gauntlet is laid down.  Here goes.

1.  Superbia (Pride): I have only recently come to study Horticulture.  Although horticulture has always been a massive part of my life all my formal academic training has been in Psychology and Counselling.  I graduated with a BSc (Hons.) in Psychology and later studied for a Post. Grad. in Person Centred Counselling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  

2. Luxuria (Extravagance): I used to work for the Queen.  Yes, indeed I was on Her Majesty’s payroll.  I worked in one of her finer establishments which provided extremely safe accommodation for many men. I was actually employed as a Forensic Psychological Assistant and if you haven’t already worked it out I worked in a prison.

3. Invidia (Envy): I once stopped filming on a ‘Dr. Who’ set.  One Summer night I accidentally slipped into a time warp, intoxicated of course, where the streets were covered in snow and people travelled by horse and cart.  This was confusing for a while (I was drunk) until I noticed Billie Piper and Christopher Eccleston trying to act, and an angry crew member told me and my friends to “Keep it down!”

4. Avaritia (Greed): I am clinically dependent on Tea.  Although this is likely to be over exaggerated slightly I do actually drink on average upwards of 10 cups a day.  For this I would like to thank my Nan (Grandmother and fellow Tea addict) who passed this affliction on to me and diagnosed my headaches as Tea withdrawal.

5. Gula (Gluttony): I love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  When in High School every Friday my friend Ellen and I would go to Woolworths (now no more following the recession) before going to Orchestra to get our ‘buy one, get one free’ Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.  They would be wolfed down on the way to practice and every week I would concentrate primarily on not vomiting into my clarinet.  

6. Ira (Wrath): I am an 80’s child.  Frankie Goes To Hollywood - ‘Two Tribes’ was number one when I was born.  On entry in to the world  I nearly died and I also took my mother with me.  Typical Leo!

7. Acedia (Acedia/Discouragement): I find writing/talking about myself very difficult.  Believe it or not I’m actually quite a shy person and I have also run out of things to add!  I did say it would be hard to find seven things!  Oh, I know, I detest Geraniums (or is that Pelargonium’s?).

Well, I hope you found that enjoyable!  And moving swiftly on, I would like to pass this Meme on to the following fantastic bunch of people (who I constantly pester):

1. James Alexander Sinclair.  Because he doesn’t get enough Meme requests!  ’The Hat’ is regularly kind enough to humour my constant pestering.  He is also a very nice man and incredibly talented.   This is merely a thank you for the last Meme.

2. Emma Cooper.  Emma is an incredibly knowledgeable kitchen gardener, author, blogger and podcaster.  If you grow your own or want to know more Emma is the oracle!  You should also buy her book!

3. Susan Cohan.  The constantly Meme’d (and for good reason) Susan is a garden designer of the highest quality with an equally fantastic blog.  A twitter friend and constant inspiration.

4. Martyn Cox.  Martyn continually tests my plant I.D. knowledge, although I’m usually beaten to answering, and writes one of my favourite blogs.  Someone who keeps my interest in plants alive and inspires me to learn more.

5.  EmmaT.  Emma, if she hasn’t already received this Meme, is guaranteed to take it on and write everything humorous that I wanted to include.  A fantastic writer who can influence every emotion through her words alone.

6. Amanda Thompsen. She doesn’t like bombay mix (oops!) but she does like twitter.  KissMyAster, the blog name I wish I had created, is one of the first blogs I ever read and I adore Amanda and her bowling balls.

7. Arabella Sock.  She know’s what to buy the man who has everything and a lot more about horticulture.  Constantly entertaining as well as informative with a top notch blog!

Also, please remember entries for my competition to win a pair of professional Felco sceateurs need to be in by 1st October 2009.  You can enter by leaving a comment here.

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