Thanks to the three Tukwila gardeners who invited visitors during the Backyard Wildlife Festival. A park with a nice winter garden was also on the tour. Hopefully, my wildlife won’t see this and decide to move! This garden had varied and interesting views and habitats in every direction. This photo captures a pond area to the left, sunny gardens and the blue fence in the background that made the plants really stand out. I bet it looks sunny even on our grayest days.
Who needs the garden show when you can see real gardens that have withstood the test of time. Along with the blue fence, this gardener uses windows, mirrors and found materials to create her garden rooms.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take photos at the third garden. It had an amazing variety of clematis plants, other flower gardens and a cozy clearing amongst the trees. No doubt a happy find for city wildlife.
Thanks to these gardeners who were willing to show how a wildlife friendly garden can also be beautiful and welcoming to the people visitors as well.
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