” April showers do bring May flowers “
It’s been one of the rainiest Springs on record and the garden is saturated but at the same time everything is lush. May is an exciting time in the garden as I watch its blooms unfold. Of course non are more precious than my little sweetpea ( center fold ) who’ll reach the 6 month mark in two days. She’s growing hair and has two teeth and at 18 or more pounds and 27 ” long she’s a big gal. Like the flowers she requires regular feeding and is eating me out of house and home
The magnolias, azaleas, rhododendrons, iris, euphorbia, bergenia, tulips, daffodils, bishop’s hat, primrose, perennial pansies, daphne, and creeping phlox are all in bloom this 15th of May.

Acer Japonicum ‘autumn moon ‘
And although it doesn’t bloom the beautiful colors of my autumn moon maple are delightful for a very long time.
Love the new growth on my Densi yew

First year to bloom : Rhododendron ‘Bixby ; Rhododendron of the year 2007. It’s small , a unique color, and beautiful.
Visit Carol at Maydreams Gardens to see what’s blooming in you neck of the woods and around the USA.
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