Yet over the past year or so I’ve been drawn in. I visited their website and got asked to complete a survey. That led to more contact, and soon Kew zoomed the top of my wish list. Even better, at the top of my To Do list, for next time I’m back in London.
Maybe you’re far away and can’t get to go to Kew. But you can still enjoy it on the web.
Kew is perhaps the only botanical garden to have inspired a song - by Mary Hopkin (remember Those were the days? But this one’s called Kew Gardens) Listen to it and take a video tour of the gardens now …
Then obviously, there’s their website - the surveys were to do with improving it. Though quite honestly I liked it as it was. But it’s well worth a browse - click on the link.
And if you want to see all the things that Kew has to offer - not only strange or rare plants like the titan arum - the world’s largest and smelliest flower - which bloomed in 2007,
but also the treetop walkway …
the sculptures by Henry Moore …
the peacocks, Canadian geese, Chinese pheasants and other birds which inhabit the gardens …
… check out Kew Gardens on flickr, and in particular the photos of whatsthatpicture, whose photos are featured here, generously made available under Creative Commons licence.
And if you’re feeling superior because you go there regularly, there’s still more to explore. Check out this video (4 mins) on the BBC of the plants which aren’t on display to the public.
Happy birthday Kew.
This post was originally published on http://balcony-garden.blogspot.com It is being used here illegally - without permission or acknowledgement.