The photo below was taken a bit further away from the lizard but seems to capture the light better.

Sometimes, when it clouded over (as in the photo below) the lizard still sat there as if it were waiting for the sun to come out again.
Two smaller lizards (probably young ones) were sat quite deep in the long grass and didn’t appear to be getting much sunlight because they were shaded so much. I find it amazing how they are able to keep so still for so long. When these creatures do move, however, they really do move fast. There could well have been more lurking around in the grass, but they would have been very hard to see with the constantly growing plants covering then up.
Its always great to see lizards about the garden and it reminds me of summer. Hopefully I will be able to see 6 of them again this year. The lizards in our garden are attracted by areas that are left scruffy. So just think, you could be helping to provide a habitat for lizards by not weeding an area of your garden. Its a no-brainer really!
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