Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Look closely and you can see some little bits of green on the newly installed shelves! It’s from a few types of basil and sweet peppers from a growers sale yesterday. The other pots contain some seeds I came across while sorting out a box stashed in the shed. Does that make it a greenhouse now? The other purchases from the sale are planted or are okay waiting outside until planted.

The shelving came from the same sale where I found the stained glass. We used the shelves as they came to us (other than a quick coat of spray paint to delay rusting). The larger piece fit perfectly across the back. The other two pieces brought the shelving around to half of each wall. That gives me half without fixed shelving for flexibility.

Hopefully, the shelves are high enough that I can do an inground bed on one side, and pots and movable lower shelving on the other side as needed. The shelving also keeps me from hitting my head on the lower parts of the ceiling!

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